If you would like to share your conversion story or your cradle testimonial with us, it would be a blessing, not only for people who are seeking and inquiring into Orthodoxy, but also for those of us already on the path. After all, testimonials are a reminder of where we came from and where we’re going. They are lamps to help guide us in this world, so let’s acknowledge and celebrate them.
For those interested, please send your story with a title suggestion in a simple word document (docx) to [email protected] and include a high-resolution feature photo (jpg or png) to accompany your piece. If it is a lengthy treatise, you may also send it as a pdf, or if previously published, as a simple hyperlink.
A Pilgrim’s Podvig • Fr. John Whiteford
Evangelical to Orthodox • Arlyn Kantz
Faith in Dixie • Fr. Joseph Huneycutt
Finding the Communion that Never Ends • Jon Boatwright
From First Baptist to the First Century Church • Dr. Clark Carlton
From So-Baptist Jock & Happy Reformed-Calvinist to Finding the Orthodox Church • David E. Rockett
South Tennessee to South Canaan • Fr. Martin Watt
Why I Left Evangelicalism for Orthodoxy • Theron Mathis