Volume 1, No. 1 (2023)
Rather than put things off any longer, we have decided to publish articles as they become available.
- “A Feudal Society without a Feudal Religion: Allen Tate & the Religion of the Whole Horse” by C. Clark Carlton
- “The Gift of Southern Literature” by William McF. Wilson
Purpose and Guidelines
The purpose of The Ludwell Review is to provide a venue for long-format essays on topics related to the enculturation of Orthodoxy within the contemporary South. Essays shall be concerned with matters pertaining to history, missiology, and liturgy as well as cultural and literary criticism. While not an academic journal—and eschewing technical jargon—journal essays should adhere to the standards of good scholarship and literary style. Quotations and factual assertions beyond the ken of general knowledge should be noted (endnotes), and full bibliographical references should be provided at the end of every article.
At the discretion of the editor, separate issues may have a common theme. Articles should be submitted in Word or .rtf format to [email protected] and should ideally be between 6,000-8,000 words, with an absolute lower and upper limit of 4,000 and 10,000 words. Essays should be fully documented (where appropriate). Submissions will be accepted based on their relevance to the stated purposes of the Ludwell Fellowship and the theme (if any) of upcoming issues. Submissions that are overtly polemical or political will not be accepted.
The editors will not pay authors for their submissions. Authors shall retain copyright to their articles, but the editors shall maintain absolute control over what is printed in The Review. Authors shall have the opportunity to approve the final copy of any article before it is published by The Review.
It is expected that The Review will be published twice a year, in January or February and again in July or August. Issues of The Review will be published online in .pdf format as one self-contained file. Accommodations may be made with a print-on-demand service (such as Amazon) for those who wish paper copies.
The Review shall be freely available to all who wish to view or download it online. Those who wish paper copies (including contributors) must pay for them.
C. Clark Carlton,
The Ludwell Review